Monday, February 15, 2010

Art Nouveau

Following Arts & Crafts
Art Nouveau (1890-1914) explores a new style in the visual arts and architecture that developed in Europe and North America at the end of the nineteenth century.  The name 'Art nouveau' is French for 'new art'.

The above image is an advertisement for Rosinette Absinthe Rose Oxygenee by Belgian posterist Henri Privat-Livemont. This image reflects Art Nouveau through a range of design elements including: The posters energetic & organic feel, simplicity and use of colours, clear typography being limited but including all necessary information and featuring an idealised woman. 
As this era evolved, it is apparent that designs were becoming simpler (as opposed to Victorian Age) with less detail and text was often outlined in black, which is also incorporated in this piece. Art Nouveau pieces also often included abstract shapes or patterns in the backgrounds. 
Mt attention was drawn to this piece my the pastel colours contrasting with the red on the woman's dress and i liked the fact that she looks happy. This poster is simple but i believe it's effective as it provides all necessary information and implies that if you drink Absinthe you will have a good time.

1896 image for Absinthe Robette again by Belgian posterist Henri Privat-Livemont. 
The function of this poster is to promote Absinthe by a brand called Robette. My attention was drawn to this piece by the use of colours blending from warmer to cooler and also through the femininity and flow of the design. Also it is apparent here that advertising was becoming more sexual in the sense that the woman in the image is wearing a transparent dress, this compares to adverts from the Victorian Age era where women were almost fully covered in advertisements.
In my opinion the quality of this art piece is good as Livemont has successfully blended his colours and produced a clear design.    


Victorian Age

Art pieces from the Victorian era incorporated high fashion, gilded age, splendor, romance, strict etiquette and plush decorating styles. The Victorian Age is associated with romantic, nostalgic & sentimental designs. 
The above image is an example of Victorian Age design being used to promote products. As you can see, the above designs are all symmetrical, they contain cloth banners with clear writing & each side of the tins are framed with a border. These are all aspects of the Victorian Age, which makes these designs effective. In my opinion the quality of these pieces are good & the detail is neat and precise.

The above image is an advertisement for Coca Cola from the Victorian Age. Aspects that make this apparent include the following: symmetrical layout, framed center image, decorative border and large, clear font. I think this advert would have been very appropriate and effective at the time it was produced as it reflects many design aspects from this era and would draw the audience in and make them want to purchase this product.
I was attracted to this piece as I found the use of the tints & shades of red were eye catching and the image of the lady is very feminine and traditional. 