Monday, March 15, 2010

Art Deco

1925 – 1940

Following Early Modern Era

Art deco styles include geometric shapes, curves, Egyptian zigzags, sunbursts, lightening bolts, airbrushed ray bands, motion lines, aerodynamic and streamline forms. Art Deco was often considered an “early modern” style and designs were rather simple, representing luxury and glamour.

The two images I have chosen to represent this era are both by A.M. Cassandre, believed to be the most influential designer of the Art Deco era. They are both posters promoting various events, one being an event in France and the other for a train line.

Both these designs are representative of this era as they incorporate simplicity, geometric shapes and lines, and clear fonts, which is what attracted me to these pieces.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Early Modernism

Following Art Nouveau
Early modern refers to artists in the early 1900's who broke from tradition. Artists from this era can be described as new and experimental and few gained popular acceptance because they were daring and different. However, artists from this era had a major influence on design styles that followed.
Expressionism also flourished throughout this era and was created by artists who were concerned with the human condition and felt deep empathy for social issues.

The above is a piece by Pablo Picasso where he introduced cubism. During this time Picasso and similar artists invented a new approach to handling space and introduced geometric planes. This is where artists began to change the face of art and challenge more traditional styles. I don't think this piece actually has a specific function, it is obvious that Picasso was experimenting and trying new things. I like the quality of this piece and the use of different shades of colours contrasting with harsh black edges. I can also see how space was beginning to be used more effectively as he effectively covers the whole canvas.

This design is a poster from Germany, 1919 and it's function is to advertise a particular theatre. It represents Early Modernism through the effective use of space and geometrical shapes. Also this design is rather simple and incorporated a similar colour scheme, which was often the case throughout this era.
My attention was drawn to this piece through the colours and effective placement of objects within the poster. I believe this artist was influenced by Picasso as this piece reminds me of the image I included earlier by Picasso.

Arts & Crafts

Following the Victorian Age.
The Arts & Crafts style embraced proportion, simplicity of form, fitness for purpose, honesty to materials and the enhancement of natural textures. As design shifted from the Victorian Age to Arts & Crafts, designs became simplified but still effective. For example with furniture design, materials were often left with their natural textures and finishes, rather than adding varnishes and hundreds of buttons as designers did in the Victorian Age.

The above image is a chair designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh in the 1900's. I have included this as one of my images because it is so simple and representatve of the drastic change between the Victorian Era and the Arts & Crafts movement. Although this piece is simple, there are still the little details which make it interesting, such as the cut outs in the back of the chair. 
I was attracted to this piece by seeing the huge back rest, which is interested and although it isn't relevant it catches the audience's eye.

The above is a page of a book by William Morris who established the Kelmscott Press, a device which was used to print books. Designs from the Arts & Crafts Movement often incorporated gothic fonts & textures and detailed patterns, which Morris incorporates in the above design. Although there is a lot on the page, the design still remains simple to some sense as it doesn't have too many different things happening and the layout is somewhat simple.
To be honest I am not a huge fan of the Arts & Crafts movement as I like more colours and a bit more going on in designs, but my attention was drawn to the above piece due to the pattern which created the border.
Reference: TAFE lecture movie: Arts & Crafts Movement